I have little patience with people who complain about their weight problems, and for a good reason - I have a really simple way for losing weight which does not involve going on a crazy exercise binge or starving yourself silly. Sounds miraculous? Well, read on.
The easy part that you already know, is to make some wise choices about your diet, exercise moderately, and be consistent at both. Yes, it is both sensible and achievable.
The second part is usually what squeezes the life out of one, when I say:
"Stop eating chocolates, cake and ice-cream!"My advice makes me sound like I'm a Nazi Dictator violating their
8th Amendment rights. But no, and let me reassert this again, it is that
deadly serious.
Chocolates, cake and Ice-cream belong to a broader category I classify as
'leisure food'. It's leisure because people eat these food for their own enjoyment, not for sustenance. This applies to all other snacks (cookies, biscuits, sweets, chips and flavoured drinks) - if that is what you are usually consuming when you're not hungry, then you shouldn't be having it.
"But, but... that's impossible!"I'll tell you a story about a friend of mine. Let's call him 'Bryan'. (Oh,
that is your real name! Let's see how long before someone points you to read this entry :P) Bryan has a minor weight issue, and he once told me about this amazing story that his household fridge was like
The Bag of Holding; each time he opens it, there will be a slice of chocolate cake or other sweet delights waiting for him. No surprises to why he isn't able to keep his hands off the sugary stuffs.
Now let me tell you another story of another friend of mine. Let's call him 'Vincent'. (Oh hey, that's me!) Vincent grew up in a poor household where there's no cake awaiting for him in the fridge any time he opens it. In fact, there's nothing there for him whenever he opens it. Poor Vincent! You might even begin think that his childhood is real deprived!
On the contrary, Vincent had never been hungry in his life; there is always food on the table, and the meals involve a simple serving of rice, vegetables, and either eggs, chicken, fish or other protein sources. Given the tight budget Vincent's mum had, there wasn't enough money to buy chocolates, snacks and fizzy drinks anyway. 20 years later, Vincent do not have much cravings for these
'leisure foods' . To others, he just seems to have an incredible self-control.
No, this isn't a
tit-for-tat competition here, all I'm saying is that good moderate choices makes harder things easier in the long run.
So what do you do if you grew up in the life of Bryan?
Start small, and be consistent.
Consistency is the key, my friend. In the long run, it will get easier for you. Just don't get into the delusion of wanting instant results
.There is this one other issue, like what if:
"I get hungry really easily!"That is why you should stop eating chocolates, cake and ice-cream! And eat
more meat!
Some of you might be puzzled.
More meat? Let me explain why in my own personal, anecdotal example. If you ever read food labels, you'll find that a 40g bar of Cadbury's chocolate contains 205 Calories of energy. In comparison, 125g of chicken breast contains only 133 Calories of energy!
I'll answer how these number translate to in human terms. If I have more than a good portion of chicken for lunch, say 250g, I'll have consumed 266 Calories and it will keep me from being hungry till dinner. In comparison, if I had two chocolate bars for lunch, I would have consumed 410 Calories of energy
AND I'll be hungry again 2 hours later!
I'm aware that there are some scientific studies out there that supports my claim, but what's more important, is that I know
it works for me. This I want you to keep in mind. I certainly can tell that something within meat (or protein, I suspect) keeps one from feeling hungry sooner. Carbohydrates just don't do the same thing. It's no wonder some people swear by faddish regimes like the
Atkin's Diet.
But I do not recommend anybody from trying funny diet plans, or simply going on diets
at all. Firstly, if you are starving yourself, you are doing it
wrong. Because it'll never work - primal instinct will
always override any artificial discipline that you try inflicting on yourself. Secondly, diets promote deprivation, and the deprivation of essential nutrients to your body is certainly always
harmful. All I'm saying, is to cut down on unnecessary leisure food carbohydrates, and have more meat
if your body reacts to hunger the same way as I do. In addition, do stick to what the doctors recommend with regards to healthy servings of fruits and vegetables.
Eating less is good for youRecently, it's been proven that caloric restriction will improve health and extend longevity. And this includes us
primates, and not just in
lab mice. If you're too lazy to read the links, here's a visual difference between two monkeys where one is on caloric restriction and the other isn't. Guess which one is which?

If you're cringing in horror about how miserable the rest of your life will be starving yourself, think again. You'll be surprised how it does not involve starving. There's no contradiction, and I'll use myself as an example. For the numbers to make sense, we need to know how much Calories I need - and there are plenty of calculators out there that will help to figure this out, Google it.
Now, for a 30 year-old, 1.75m, 65kg guy, my Caloric requirement is about +/- 2500 Calories, depending on which calculators used. A 25% Caloric reduction is what they've used in the scientific studies, so that brings my figure to 1875 Calories. Now, lets calculate what I eat on a given day, which includes breakfast, lunch and dinner with no snacks.
4 slices of bread, 68g - 200 Calories
Nutella, 18g spread! - 98 Calories
Tea - 2 Calories
200g Chicken - 212 Calories
250g Rice - 867 Calories
300g Salmon - 447 Calories
100g Broccoli - 35 Calories
133g Apple - 65 Calories
Total Calorie Count : 1926 Calories
It's slightly more than 1875, but it's not too far off range. And I'm not rationing myself either - I've given generous estimates for the spreads (18g spreads to 67g of bread!), and dinner is 2 portions of Salmon (supermarkets estimate of portion sizes are ridiculous!). Give and take, that is what I normally have without having to feel hungry at all, it's quite amazing to know that I'm still within their bounds of 'Caloric Reduction'!
If you've noticed, it is the carbohydrate foods that are giving an amazingly high Caloric count - look at rice at 867 Calories at 250g! And I never knew this until I looked this up myself!
More chicken from now on, please!
Supersized NationsBeing fat is a peculiar problem that exists only in industralised nations. No surprises, since that is where all the money is. Indulgence is an economic problem if you actually think about it - it only afflicts people who
can afford it. I'm just 'lucky' I grew up in a circumstance where I do not have a luxury to indulge in leisure foods, although this doesn't make the make me the model case study for solving the fat nations problem.
It is really not a problem if you understand this is how capitalism works. Businesses are incentivised to create things you want, and for food companies, to create foods that are tasty, so that you'll buy them. Tasty foods means that you'll want to have more. People often cite the reasons of growing fat on the an abundance of food and the general lack of exercise in the modern world - it is
true, but it's no more correct to blame it on the companies who make tasty foods, than to attribute blame on themselves. If food companies are predatory to the addiction of your taste buds, should we go after them like we do on hard drugs?
I like capitalism - it is your prerogative to see how best to spend your money, so it is within your rights to eat yourself silly, and then spend a fortune on treatment - that is a personal choice.
But it irks me to see how governments are socialising these costs at the expense of sensible people - it's just one of the things in our society I like to describe as 'mad'. If it's 'too big to fail', nobody should have allowed it to grow that big in the first place. So far, governments are just plain inept at dealing with both supersized companies and supersized people.
So, do not bring weight loss problems as a conversation to my dinner table. And if anybody does have the temerity to raise it, be prepared for a session of ridicule - and if he or she takes it in good humour, maybe I'll refer them to what I have to say on this subject matter.